We have recently become aware that some users are having trouble selecting a location when signing up for a new account or when adding an activity. We are currently investigating this. We believe this is currently only affecting users of our iOS app. Until we get this resolved we suggest the following work-arounds:
If trying to sign up for a new account:
Sign-up for the new account from our website at https://web.combat.academy/signup/form. This site will work best on a laptop or desktop computer but may also work on a mobile. Once signed up you should be able to use the new account details to log in on a mobile device using our iOS or Android apps.
If trying to enter a location to a new activity:
Enter activity details using the mobile app, but leave the location information blank. Once added log into our web app at https://web.combat.academy/login/, find the new activity, select edit and enter the desired location.
PS - while you are logged into our web app check out some of th efeatures that are not yet available on mobile, such as the training stats at https://web.combat.academy/log/stats/.