Creating your Account
1. Create your account: Combat Academy Signup
Create your free account by completing the sign up forms which are available on the web at or by downloading and selecting sign up in our soon to be release mobile apps.
Both the web and mobile apps allow you to sign up using your name and email address, or to speed up the process by signing up with your Facebook or Google account.
Once you have completed the first sign up form you will be shown a confirmation screen with a reminder that you will be sent a welcome email and that you must confirm your account by following instructions in that email within 48 hours.
· If the email address you provided was incorrect, select the “go back” link to correct it.
· You can continue with the sign up process and start using your account straight away, without confirming your account.
· If you do not confirm your account within 48 hours, it will be deleted. Don’t worry, we will send you several reminders as the deadline approaches.
2. Continue with registration
Once you have made sure that the email address you provided is correct you should select Continue to finish the registration process. You will then be shown \two more screens where you can provide additional information that we will use to customize your Combat Academy experience.
· Type in an optional display name. If provided this may be used in place of your full name when displaying your activities and profile on the platform.
· Enter your location so that we can tailor the experience accordingly.
· Choose between three account types – athlete, coach or fan. Upon launch, only the athlete account type is available.
· Type in or select an optional primary gym or club. Don’t worry if you don’t have a gym or club. We won’t hold it against you. Just leave the box blank
· Specify your primary sport from the drop-down list.
3. Welcome to Combat Academy!
Congratulations you are in! You can now go ahead and add your first activity, set some training goals or view the activities of other athletes that will be visible on the featured feed page.
However, before you do that we recommend that you fill out some more data on the account settings page. You can upload a profile image, provide a brief bio, enter your gender, height and weight (for automatic weight class calculation), select additional sports in addition to your primary sport and select your notification preferences.
The following user guides may also be of interest to you:
· Update your account settings
PS: Don’t forget to confirm your account within 48 hours of signing up. If you cannot find the welcome email, then look in your spam or junk email folder.